Monday, November 14, 2011

Spirituality in Business

I came across this video on the Cafe Gratitude site about their staff meals - and how they have a bowl of salad called "I am grateful"! The Grateful Bowl consists usually of a salad leaf, tahini, rice or another type of wheat/grain and staff just help themselves and pay by way of a love offering of sorts.

I just love what the founders Terce and Matthew Engelhart are doing at Cafe Gratitude! They have created a culture that is I'm sure some may say unconventional in the industry, but I think as we move towards more spiritual awareness in the human consciousness, this is timely. The Engelharts have created a business that connects emotionally with their customers, employees and business associates.

This is totally inspiring and something that I'd like to emulate for SOLE2SOLE.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Connecting to my Inner Source

Ever since I spoke with Jennifer Urezzio of Know Soul's Language to identify my personal and business soul IDs, things have taken a turn for the miraculous!

I find it easier to reach a meditative state. I seem to be able to connect more easily with my intuition and I find I am more calm as well. Things seem to go more smoothly for me too and I find lots of little synchronistic incidents popping up!

I am also more in tune to my body - I am more aware about how I feel emotionally and physically. Whenever I get upset, it's easier to take a step back and to ask myself what's triggering the negative emotion and so dealing with that rather than reacting to the other party, which more oftentimes than not, seem to get me into bigger trouble!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Soul Language

So, I'm going through this period in my life where I feel rather lost at the moment. Work has been challenging and I'm feeling that I've worked myself to the bone.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Life Lessons to Contemplate

I got this from my favourite blog site: Heal Your Life. I found it so inspiring and a great timely reminder, that I reposted it here. 


Getting Nowhere?

12 Life Lessons to contemplate.

Published: August 2, 2011


Your spiritual journey to a higher truth.
THE APPROACH TO SPIRITUAL PROGRESS isn’t one of “getting somewhere,” as there is no “where” to get. Instead, you’re guided to transcend your ego and shed all illusions so that Truth stands revealed.
The sun is always shining; you need only remove the clouds.
On your spiritual journey to a higher truth, here are 12 life lessons to contemplate. It is in reading, rereading, and contemplating the meaning behind the words that one’s understanding ripens.
  1. It is not really necessary to subdue the ego, but merely to stop identifying with it.
  2. It is a relief to let the mind become silent and just “be” with surroundings.
  3. Reality becomes self-evident when the obstructions of perception and mental activity are removed, including all belief systems.
  4. The inner truth reveals itself when all other options are refused by surrender to God.
  5. When one realizes that one is the universe—complete and at one with All That Is, forever without end—no further suffering is possible.
  6. The love of God is absolute and unconditional. The sky does not “be” for some people and “not be” for others, nor does the sun shine on only a select few who have been arbitrarily chosen. God is complete and total.
  7. The Self is like one’s inner grandmother who watches over a child so he does not forget to take his raincoat or mail the rent check.
  8. It is not possible to arrive at Truth and ignore consciousness, because Truth is the very product of consciousness.
  9. To even hear of enlightenment is already the rarest of gifts. Anyone who has ever heard of enlightenment will never be satisfied with anything else.
  10. Enlightenment is the ultimate aesthetic awareness, for it allows the beauty of creation to shine forth with stunning clarity.
  11. The goal of society in general is to succeed in the world, whereas the goal of enlightenment is to transcend beyond it.
  12. In the end, it will be found that the sacrifice of letting go of the mind is actually the greatest gift one can receive.
A widely respected therapist and lecturer, David Hawkins' national television appearances includeThe MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, The Barbara Walters Show, and the Today Show.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

How to Move On


Endings Are Just Beginnings

How to move beyond breakups, layoffs, and unspoken words.

Published: July 2, 2011


4 ways to say goodbye to your regrets.

The beginning and the end reach out their hands to each other.
—Chinese proverb

How often do you think about a past event with sadness, regret, or anger? Whether it’s a bitter breakup, a surprise layoff, or words we regret having said (or not said), constantly wishing we could magically change what has already happened only keeps us stuck and brings us a lot of pain to boot.
While you probably know it’s unhealthy to hold on to the past, you may not realize why. Here’s one reason that should be at the top of the list: When you choose to live in the past, you’re operating with less than 100 percent of your energy in the present.
Holding on to anything for a long time takes energy and attention. Constantly bending your mind backwards in time is no different. Whether you’re consciously aware of it or not, refusing to let go and move on divides your attention and saps your energy. It’s like trying to water your garden with a hose that has holes in it. Only a trickle of that precious life-giving nutrient can come through. If you’re tired, depressed, or unexcited about life, hanging on to old regrets at deep levels could be a hidden factor.
One way to reclaim your energy is to plug the holes and say goodbye to those energy-draining regrets. Rather than facing endings with bitterness, regret, or even hatred, try these four energy-boosting tips and tools for honoring the endings in your life so you can let go and move forward more quickly.
1.  Be grateful for the gift wrapped up in the ending. Graduation ceremonies are called “commencement” exercises because they mark not just the end of a level of schooling but the beginning of a new era. Life is a schoolroom and our endings can be graduations, too, though at first they may not feel that way. Endings can be life’s way of showing us that we have learned one lesson and are ready for the next, or that we’ve exhausted the possibilities one situation has to offer and we need a change of scene to bring new opportunities. Every ending holds its own gift. Opening your mind and heart to receiving it, even if the gift is not evident right away, will help you greet the new beginnings waiting for you.
Try this: Use this affirmation to remind yourself to keep facing forward: I am open to discovering the gift, the new beginning, wrapped up in this ending.
2.  Stop blaming yourself. One of the subtle reasons we don’t move on is that we blame ourselves for unhappy endings. Like children whose parents argue, separate, or abandon them, we may lay the blame at our own feet to make sense of what happened. “What’s wrong with me?” we ask. “Why did I let this happen?” Perhaps you could have done something to prevent what happened. Perhaps not. Either way, life is a learning curve and our endings are some of the best teachers we’ll ever have.
Try this: When confronted with an ending, a rejection, or a dead end, contemplate the take-away lesson by asking yourself: “What did I just learn about myself? What did I learn about the way life works? And how will I apply what I learned to the rest of my life?”
3.  Accept what is and let go of the need to know. Have you ever felt that you must see justice done or understand why something happened in order to move on? The truth is, you may never discover the why behind an incident. Does that mean you should wait to forgive and to be at peace? The Buddha once cautioned a student full of lofty questions not to become like the man who is shot with a poisoned arrow but will not allow the doctor to take it out until he knows the name of the man who wounded him, his height, what kind of string his bow was made of, and what kind of feathers made up its shaft. We all get hit by slings and arrows of outrageous fortune from time to time. Is it more important to know “Who was responsible for this? And how can I pay them back?” Or will you heal more quickly by taking out the poisoned arrow, honoring the ending, and setting yourself free?
Try this: Letting go is a step-by-step process and it is not always easy. Acknowledge your pain. Don’t ignore your feelings, but don’t allow your life to be hijacked by them either. Once you’ve given yourself time to process your emotions and grieve, whenever you notice your thoughts starting to wander along the twists and turns of the past, gently bring yourself back to the present. You may have to do this again and again. That’s okay. Be patient with yourself.
4.  Create a new story. “He hurt me, she betrayed me, he cheated me”—those are all snapshots of what may have happened to you at one moment in time. By retelling and reliving that old, sorry tale, you are acting as if that moment in time defines the whole story of your life. It doesn’t. You get to choose how the rest of your story will unfold.
Try this: Stop talking about and dwelling on the people you believe hurt or betrayed you. Ask friends to stop bringing up those memories as well. Instead, focus on and talk about the positive aspects of your life right now and the wonderful things you are looking forward to welcoming into your life. You are the author of the next chapter in your life. Claim your power to create your new story.
Patricia Spadaro is an award-winning author of books on personal growth and practical spirituality. She is dedicated to inspiring and empowering others to live more deeply, fully, and authentically. Visit

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Guest House

I thought this was beautiful...


This being human is a guesthouse.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
Some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture,
Still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
For some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
Meet them at the door laughing
And invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent
As a guide from beyond.

Friday, March 25, 2011

People Who Inspire Us

I was just thinking how much I love getting messages from this site : People Who Inspire Us - if you are ever feeling a little down and need some inspiration - this is a great resource!

Many a time when I feel that life just sucks, I read something from this site and it never fails to lift me and to see things beyond my realm of perspective.

A thrift shop in aid of charity

So a friend of mine told me about this little thrift shop called new2ushop - all the proceeds from the sales go to The Star Shelter, a safe haven for abused women.

They've got some great stuff here and if you have pre-loved items but don't know what to do with them - why not donate them for a good cause?!

Look at this fabulous Miu Miu jacket that someone donated!

The new2ushop is located at 96 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187967.