Friday, March 19, 2010

7 Powerful Practices to Manifest Your Intentions by Deepak Chopra

A friend of mine sent this to me, I think they are great tips!


Each of us is an inextricable part of the infinite field of intelligence or consciousness that gives rise to everything in the universe. Since we are part of this underlying field of consciousness, we are also infinitely creative – in fact, we can’t not be creative. We are constantly co-creating our reality using the raw materials of consciousness, including intention, attention, intuition, thoughts, inspiration, and imagination.   
The following principles will help you become aware of how you create your reality and will empower you to transform or let go of whatever is no longer serving you. Choose one principle to focus on and practice each day.
1.  My true self is pure, unbounded consciousness. 
I will remember that thoughts come and go, but the core of consciousness is forever. Today I will experience myself beyond limitations. I will set aside time to meditate and be present with myself in the silence and peace of pure consciousness. I will experience myself as love, as a light that flows from my heart and spreads out into the universe as far as my awareness can reach.
2.  The events in my life reflect who I am. 
I will choose one thing that happens today and see how it mirrors my self. If I feel angry at someone, I will consider if what I dislike about that person actually exists in me. If an overheard conversation grabs my attention, I will take those worlds as a personal message. I will look at the world inside me.
3.  The people in my life reflect aspects of myself.
Today I will look at my friends, family, and everyone I meet as a group picture of me. Each person stands for a quality I want to see in myself or want to reject. I learn the most from those I intensely love or intensely dislike.
4.  Whatever I pay attention to will grow. 
I will take an inventory of how I’m using my attention. I will keep a log of my activities to find out how much time I spend on television, the Internet, hobbies, gossip, work I love, work I dread, activities that fulfill me, or escapist fantasies. I will ask myself, “What do I want to grow in my life?” The answer will tell me how my attention needs to shift.
5.  Nothing is random – my life is full of signs and symbols.
I will look for patterns in my life. They could be anywhere – in what others say to me, the way I react to situations, how I am treated. I will open my awareness to hidden beliefs that shape my reality. These are signs of whether or not I believe I have personal power. I will look for signs about my belief in whether I deserve love – or not.
6.  The universe always gives me the best possible results. 
Today I will focus on the gifts in my life. I will show gratitude for what it working rather than dwelling on what is not. I will notice how my own level of awareness shapes my perception of the world I am co-creating.
7.  My inner awareness is always evolving. 
Today I will ask myself how far I’ve come on my chosen path. Where do I stand right now? Where am I going? Even if I don’t see immediate external results, do I feel that I am growing inside? I will set my intention on moving from constriction to expansion.