Friday, January 15, 2010

Quote for the Day

I was listing to Dr. Christiane Northrup on Hay House Radio this morning..she was giving a talk at an I CAN DO IT seminar and referred to this quote:

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.
Frederick Buechner

How profound. Since childhood, I always wondered about what was the meaning of life, what were we all here in this world for? And I thought this is it! We are all seeking to be happy - but a superficial happy state or a truly deep contented state of bliss? I think that when we are in that state of deep contented bliss, it's when we finally serve our life's purpose. And what is our life's purpose?

Perhaps it's about what motivates us in this life - a friend once asked me that question: What motivates you? For some people it can be to prove themselves right, for others it could be love, or perhaps fear. It's not about what makes you happy - but what drives you to take action.

I still haven't figured this one out.

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